Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tents, tents galore ....

Hey there ! First off let me apologise for the lack of communication, only my family and I have been away in sunny Greece and have also spent some time doing some much needed DIY in our flat (about time). It's still not finished and there is so much to do, which is frustrating cause all this painting business is boring me I just want to get down to the interiors !

Anyway, on a side note. I think I am in love with the idea of this tent:

(source: castillero)

The tent was made by the lovely Tori Hendrix from Sitting in a Tree. It is so sweet. I am in love !

Perfect, perfect, perfect for the babes when out in the sunshine. Can't find enough shade then just make yourself a tent. You can easily customise the tent as they get older adding colour, as you go along, lace, pom poms, curtains and fairy lights etc ...

Oh why don't I have an excuse to make one of these now. Would it be too early to make one before even planning a baby ?! 

If your heart screams with joy for these cute little things as much as mine is right now then may I suggest visiting Grosgrain for a tutorial on how to make one !

Love Chrissi xx

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