Monday, March 19, 2012

1920s hair ...

OK I have been roaming around the shops lately looking for a nice little hair piece which I hoped would complement my outfit that I plan on wearing to this 20s wedding next month. I have seen a few and tried those few only to be greatly and I mean greatly disappointed. It's not that they are bad quality or anything like that no not at all. It is mainly due to the fact that I look damn right stupid ! I am seriously not kidding you; I look ridiculous ! So a feathered headband is not my thing. Even though they look absolutely stunning here on this model. Boo hoo.

So now I am looking for another solution as to how I can wear my hair and believe me it's not exactly that easy ! 


1. curling my hair and putting it up with pretty grips

2. curly and up again with a pretty head scarf

3. or even wearing my medium length hair down with a grip

I won't be going to see a hairdresser there so I need to keep it very simple as I am not very good with hair ! But I do have GHD's thank goodness. Which for those of you abroad are hair straighteners.

Chrissi x


Kate @ Daffodils said...

I love the first look with the pretty clips!

Kelly said...

You're going to a 1920s themed wedding?! That is SO cool. I love the first headpiece. You'll rock it.

Michelle said...

Love them all but three might have to be my favorite!!

Chrissi Holt said...

It is amazing Kelly isn't it. But the problem is I have a fringe and I wear glasses so this won't work at all. Michelle and Kate I love 1 and 2 and 3 as well ! I might see if I can get a headscarf and if not I am going to go with the pretty grip hair down solution that would make my life very easy indeed ! x

trishie said...

I don't think there are that many people who can pull off the feathered head band. i like the wavy hair held together with grips best.

Chrissi Holt said...

Me too Trishie ! I have just got to work out how to do it lol x