Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Kitchen Now !

Well today has been one heck of a day. I think I am coming down with something AGAIN sniffle sniffle I had it in mind that I would be in bed by 9pm to help with the 6am start but hey look it's 5 minutes before 9 and I am itching to give you a wee little up date on the kitchen as is now, so it looks like the early night has been thrown out the window yet again oops !

The kitchen was settled over a year ago, it took a lot of hard work; nothing seems as easy as we once thought it would be ! This flat is so freakin uneven ! Everything is out, but it seems that my fiance and his 'i'll just cheat a little here hunny it'll be OK ' seems to actually work (sometimes). I am still a little shaken when he makes comments such as this cause in actual fact his cheating doesn't always go according to plan ! Remember the wonky shelf in the bedroom sweetness or the upside down door that you hadn't noticed you had put the wrong way round ?!

I can sit here and laugh at it now, but boy have we had our fair share of domestics over the renovations. I mean can you just imagine when he says 'Babe they won't even notice' (oh no) 'no of course not sweetie no one will see that the door is the wrong way up and that shelf is all off, you'd have to be bloody drunk to think it's normal!'. But hey ho after me throwing a tantrum like a deranged toddler (and believe me it seems like i HAVE to behave this way) I finally have the faults / mistakes corrected. Instantly, I am restored and I am now once again in love, not only with my partner (who actually wants to have me locked up in a psycho ward for my crazed behaviour now), but also with my wonderful brand spanking new kitchen. So many dinner dates oh yes there will be plenty !

Anyway, enough of my wit ! Here are a few photographs of the kitchen in the making. Enjoy !


Anonymous said...


Jo G - Musings and Delights said...

Wow, that make over is AMAZING!!

Chrissi Holt said...

Thanks hun ! A bit of a difference indeed !

Narin said...

Big diffence!!! I really love the look and it gives a warm and cosy feeling. VERY BEAUTIFUL!